Discover the Power of Meditation on Your Conception Journey


Free Fertility Meditation Playlists

Natural Conception

Ready to prepare your body for natural conception by bypassing the conscious mind? Sometimes we need a little help getting back in sync, and this track will do just that.

The Natural Conception Meditation subliminal affirmations are designed with you in mind, as they cover significant fertility processes such as shedding periods and releasing healthy eggs so fertilization can succeed! All these things combined aim to ensure implantation takes place without interfering with our thinking process.

After all this time spent stressing over how exhausted infertility has made you feel-you'll be able to find yourself not even thinking about cycles again.

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Fertility Exhaustion

Have you ever experienced waking up in your sleep thinking about how to get pregnant?

Infertility can make you feel like your life is going nowhere. You may worry about the future and how long it will take to conceive. Most women often experience infertility-related depression or anxiety, which leads women to feel even more defeated. Infertility is emotionally and physically exhausting!

Use these meditations to pick your spirits up and reenergize your mind and soul.



IVF clinics do not have to be intimidating places. Let’s face your jitters, and clear any trauma from failed cycles so you can get on with being confident!

Start by prepping your mind-body connection for an easy experience. The egg retrieval and implantation playlists help prepare the mind-body connection through affirmations focusing on healthy harmonious levels and successful implantation.

Leaving you feeling supported, confident, and relaxed during your IVF procedures.

How do they work?


Subliminals, Solfeggio Frequencies

& Binaural Beats


Your mind and body are deeply interconnected. Subliminal affirmations enhance this connection, making your body more receptive to conception.

The aligned messages work to dissolve mental blocks and negative thoughts that might be hindering your fertility.

As your mind becomes more attuned to the idea of pregnancy, your body follows suit, becoming more open to the possibilities.


Sound healing through Solfeggio Frequencies is an ancient practice that has recently regained attention for its potential health benefits. These frequencies are specific tones known for their unique ability to balance and heal the body.

Key Tones for Fertility

417 Hz Tone: Known for balancing trauma recovery, this frequency empowers the 2nd chakra, directly influencing the ovaries and womb.

528 Hz Tone: Often referred to as the frequency of miracles, the 528 Hz tone can help reduce anxiety about your future chances of conceiving.


Binaural beats are a fascinating tool that involves playing sound waves at slightly different frequencies to each ear. This technique can significantly impact how our brains function and feel. By aligning the frequency of binaural beats with specific brain wave patterns, different mental states can be induced.

Alpha (8–14 Hz): This frequency cultivates a sense of calm, focus, and productivity.

Theta (4–8 Hz): This frequency cultivates a meditative state, deep relaxation, and reduced anxiety.

Used headphones, and DO NOT listen to binaural beats if you have a history of photo-sensitivity or seizures.


Your mind and body are deeply interconnected. Subliminal affirmations enhance this connection, making your body more receptive to conception.

The aligned messages work to dissolve mental blocks and negative thoughts that might be hindering your fertility.

As your mind becomes more attuned to the idea of pregnancy, your body follows suit, becoming more open to the possibilities.


Sound healing through Solfeggio Frequencies is an ancient practice that has recently regained attention for its potential health benefits. These frequencies are specific tones known for their unique ability to balance and heal the body.

Key Tones for Fertility

417 Hz Tone: Known for balancing trauma recovery, this frequency empowers the 2nd chakra, directly influencing the ovaries and womb.

528 Hz Tone: Often referred to as the frequency of miracles, the 528 Hz tone can help reduce anxiety about your future chances of conceiving.


Binaural beats are a fascinating tool that involves playing sound waves at slightly different frequencies to each ear. This technique can significantly impact how our brains function and feel. By aligning the frequency of binaural beats with specific brain wave patterns, different mental states can be induced.

Alpha (8–14 Hz): This frequency cultivates a sense of calm, focus, and productivity.

Theta (4–8 Hz): This frequency cultivates a meditative state, deep relaxation, and reduced anxiety.

Used headphones, and DO NOT listen to binaural beats if you have a history of photo-sensitivity or seizures.